Monday, November 12, 2007 and Zune Marketplace Down: Updates Imminent (And They're Live!)
Posted by Darius Wey in "Zune Talk" @ 11:00 PM

It looks like Microsoft is working the late-night shift. Both and the Zune Marketplace are down, which can only mean one thing: update time! Expect major changes on the other side - new desktop software, a new Zune Marketplace, and new firmware that's ready to rock with all flavours of the new and old Zune. We'll let you know the moment they're available.
Update: And is live - with a new face, of course! If you already have the previous Zune software installed, fire it up or pay Microsoft Update a visit to grab the latest version. Otherwise, head over to the Zune Software page to "get the full Zune experience" or just the software itself. While that's downloading, be sure to check out the new Zune Social and new Zune Marketplace (now alive and kicking with DRM-free MP3s, music videos, and podcasts). We'll be covering the latest and greatest of the new Zune experience today, so stay tuned for more!