Tuesday, October 10, 2006
MP3.com's Micheal Robertson Says the Zune Will Flop
Posted by Jason Dunn in "Zune Talk" @ 06:10 PM
Never short on opinion, Robertson is "old" money in the Internet timeline, having made his fame and fortune on mostly defunct Web properties. Does anyone use MP3.com for anything other than looking up artist information anymore? Regardless, Robertson does make some valid points about the evils of DRM and the limitations of the first generation Zune product. I found the survey interesting - the sampling of 1500 or so people shows that 86% of them agree with the blog entry by Robertson. Now, it's not granular enough to determine if those 86% of people think the Zune will be a flop, or if those 86% think that DRM itself is the problem regardless of who's DRM it is. You won't find any argument from me - I really dislike DRM and routinely burn and re-rip songs to bypass it. No DRM tracks get played day to day in my home, though I do keep the DRM'd tracks as a backup copy just in case. Do you agree with Robertson regarding the success or failure of the Zune?